What Are Toys & Tools For Special Needs?

With 25+ years experience working with Special Needs, we are here to help you navigate solutions for you or a loved one.

This page shows a few examples of Toys and Tools we have created in the past. All items for this collection are individualized to your specific needs and you will be a large part of the creative process, working 1:1 with a specialist, to ensure your needs are met. The sky is the limit!

A few examples of items available:

- a Button Belt to assist in dexterity training and increasing independence. (This specific Button Belt has been used by Physical Therapist/Occupational Therapists in the School Setting to assist with Special Needs Gross & Fine Motor Skills for Daily Living.)

- Stimulation toys to assist in self soothing and play. (This Stimulation Toy Jellyfish was used to calm children with Autism through a safe and natural stimulation play.)

- a specialized Behavior Modification and Organization Chart that teaches responsibility, self control, independence, time management, and cause & effect. (This chart was created with the assistance of the individual for whom it was intended as well as his immediate family, who knew him best. This chart was the initial one used in his early stages of Behavior Modification and Organization. His charts changed as he developed his skills and his needs changed.) 

Sometimes all we need to progress and increase quality of life are a few adjustments to increase success, guided and/or created by someone who understands. We are here to serve your individual needs in this area. You are not alone on your journey!

*Specializing in working with: Autism, Learning Disabilities (ie. ADHD, OCD, PPD), Social/Emotional, Physical & Cognitive Disabilities, and more. 

To connect with our team to discuss your needs, Click Here